So, I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I've decided to put Kage-kun on hold for a while, for a couple of reasons. Firstly I wanna focus on Yasune-chan. Secondly, having his voicebank as my voice (edited lower, of course) just isn't quite giving me the effect I want, so I'm actually hoping - crossing my fingers - to one day down the road talk my boyfriend into voicing Kage for me. So that's where we're at. Sorry Kage-kun, dear, you'll have to wait a bit longer for your voice! >.<
Edit - So, thinking about it, having his character page and stuff doesn't make much sense at the moment, along with the fact I'd like to edit his likes and dislikes and personality and whoseemawhatsits a bit more, so I'm taking his other pages down for now, and only leaving this one up until there's SOME form of progress on him.